Thank You Donors!

SAFE relies on the generosity of private foundations, institutional sponsors and individuals like you, whose contributions empower our vital work of ensuring all healthcare providers across the country have the confidence and tools they need to successfully talk with their patients and communities about firearm injury prevention.

These individuals contributed $25 or more between January 1, 2023 - December 31, 2023


$50,000 and Above

Julie Parsonnet and Dean Winslow

$10,000 - $49,999

Susie MacLean and John Crittenden
Bernard and Anne Spitzer Charitable Trust

$5,000 - $9,999

Kelly Traver

$1,000 - $4,999

Wanyong Austin, Preetha Bassavia,
Catherine Blish, Francis Crosson,
Richard Hoffman, Robert Horsburgh, Sheridan and Jerome Kassirer,
Beth Martin-Kool,
Peter Small and Delany Ruston, Ann Taylor, Lucy Tompkins,
Abraham Verghese, Richard Winslow,
Paul Young

$500 - $999

Suchi Anand, Melanie Murez,
Nick Roxborough,
Toni, Wendi, and Alan Shindler-Ruberg, Allison and Nate Volkman*

$250 - $499

Thomas Burns, Adam Finkel,
Michele and Harvey Kaish

$25 - $249

Tsan Abrahamson*, Penny Bayless,
Jeanne Carlson, Jody Berger, James Horton, Bradd Silver, Michelle Brownlee,
Amy Mello Paul, Angela Dunning,
Aran Walter, Leon Rabinowitz, Elena Cohen, Lisa Clay, Ali Martin, Donna DeCarlo,
Kristi Jones, Woodie Kessel, Virgina Weiss, Amy Duckro*, Michelle Sandberg,
Judith Auerbach, Michael Hirsh,
Lars Osterberg, John Hornbaker, Mark Cullen, Erica Van Den Haak, Mary Goldstein,
Philip Pizzo, Adam Lipson,
Jeannette Levenstein, Marilyn Mayo,
Paul Olsen, Zenaida Rozenberg,
Maureen Hogan, Paul Costello, Jake Scott, Cornelia Griggs*, Michelle Mettner*,
Paul Bollyky*, Laurel Schmidt

*Special thank you to recurring donors*

By donating, you help us advance our mission and bring us closer to a safer future. You can make a one-time gift or a monthly one, sustaining our efforts.

If you donate $150 or more after Nov 1 2024, please put your SCRUB SIZE (XS, S, M, L, XL) in the "additional notes" when making your donation and we will mail you A SAFE scrub and lapel pin.

Sponsors in 2024

$2,500 $500

Using your generous donation prudently, SAFE strives to fulfil its mission by working to:

  1. Make firearm injury prevention education a priority at every US medical school.

  2. Be the leading source of medical education materials on effective ways for medical schools to teach firearm injury prevention strategies to their medical students.

  3. Provide current and future physicians the skills necessary to engage patients, communities, and local and national legislators on public health driven solutions for firearm injury prevention.

  4. Develop a robust research wing of SAFE to establish evidence-based best practices for medical student firearm prevention education.

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