“A natural extension of working in public hospitals is to witness gun violence as a medical and public health issue, before it is anything else. Framed in this manner, the injury to the human body, whether accidental, self-inflicted or otherwise, becomes just as preventable as the small pox and diphtheria that took lives in generations past. It is inspiring to see medical students and physicians, decorated war veterans among them, come together to carry on a shared goal: to save lives."
-Abraham Verghese MD, Professor of Medicine, Stanford University
Advisory Board
Michelle Sandberg, MD
Advisory Board Chair
Pediatrician at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center, Affiliated Clinical Instructor at Stanford University School of Medicine
Rob Milman, MD
Advisory Board Vice Chair
Clinical Assistant Professor and the Associate Head of the Department of Medical Education at the Texas A&M University College of Medicine
John Donohue, JD, PhD
C. Wendell and Edith M. Sarlsmith Professor of Law, Stanford University
Abraham Verghese, MD
Sr Associate Chair of the Department of Internal Medicine at Stanford University; Author
David Spain, MD
David L. Gregg, MD Professor and Chief of Acute Care Surgery
Lee Woodruff
Co-founder of the Bob Woodruff Foundation - assisting wounded veterans and their families
Freelance writer and author
Christopher Barsotti, MD
CEO, American Foundation for Firearm Injury Reduction in Medicine (AFFIRM)
Attending Physician, Department of Emergency Medicine, Berkshire Medical Center, Pittsfield MA
Stephen Hargarten, MD, MPH
Professor of Emergency Medicine at the Medical College of Wisconsin
Paul Chapman, Ph.D.
Executive Director, Inverness Associates Consulting
Head of School Emeritus, Head-Royce School, Oakland CA
Stephen Lamar
President and CEO
American Apparel & Footwear Association
Lieutenant General (retired) Mark Hertling
Senior Vice President at the innovative Florida Hospital in Orlando from 2013-2017
Kelly Traver, MD
Internal Medicine, retired Stanford/Menlo Medical Clinic
Shoshana Ungerleider, MD
Founder, End Well Foundation.
Internal Medicine Hospitalist, Sutter Health
Jahan Fahimi, MD
Associate Professor of
Emergency Medicine, UCSF Medical Center
Brigadier General Ernest G. Talbert (USAF–retired)
Chief of Staff, Headquarters, Delaware Air National Guard, inducted into the Delaware Aviation Hall of Fame
David Studdert, JD, PhD
Professor of Law
and Medicine,
Stanford University
Major General Francis Vavala
Retired Army National Guard Officer