“Clinicians and firearms”
SAFE education modules

SAFE has educated 100’s of healthcare professionals and trainees on firearm violence prevention by creating online curriculum modules that includes free CME (continuing medical education) credit for physicians and advanced practice providers. 

Click the “play” icon and you will have a chance to read more about the course and who created it before clicking “Continue” to get to the Pre-course survey then finally to the 90 minute course.

Updates from SAFE

Donate to SAFE

Please continue your support or join us for the first time. Using your generous donation prudently, SAFE is working to:

  1. Make firearm injury prevention education a priority at every United States medical school.

  2. Be the leading source of medical education materials on effective ways to teach firearm injury prevention strategies to medical students.

  3. Provide current and future healthcare clinicians the skills necessary to engage patients, communities, local, and national legislators on public health driven solutions for firearm injury prevention.

  4. Develop a robust research wing of SAFE to establish evidence-based best practices for medical student firearm prevention education.

We are U.S. physicians, nurses, and healthcare professionals dedicated to eliminating the American firearm violence epidemic through research, education, and evidence-based policy.

Our Mission →

ways to get involved

find your local SAFE Chapter or learn how to start one!


Follow us @SafeStand


Donate today to improve firearm safety with a public health approach

A welcome message from SAFE Co-Founder, Dr. Sarabeth Spitzer